Navajo Nation Conference Centers on Human Trafficking
Synopsis: A conference on human trafficking on the Navajo Nation was held. The conference was organized by the Strengthening Families...
Getting Tough on Sex Traffickers
Synopsis: In this op-ed by deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein, the efforts of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to combat human...
Truckstop Group Highlights Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking
Synopsis: Last week, the House passed H.R. 4708, the Department of Homeland Security Blue Campaign Authorization Act of 2017. The...
Chinatown Soup Art Benefit Raises Funds For Human Trafficking Awareness Play
Synopsis: The Mirage Theatre Company presents a new theatre production, Broken Dolls, addressing the immorality of human trafficking. The...
Webinar "Domestic Minor Sex Trafficking in Indian Country" Jan. 9, 2018
Synopsis: "Illustrating how community awareness and Tribal support are vital to combat trafficking in Indian Country. Case study...
Combating Trafficking: Native Youth Toolkit on Human Trafficking
Synopsis: "The purpose of this toolkit is to raise awareness and prevent trafficking of Native youth by educating them on what human...
'A picture of hope' for sex-trafficking victims
Synopsis: A new report by Wilder Research shows an increase in referrals to Minnesota's Safe Harbor program. Established by law in 2011...
Hoeven Opening Statement at Hearing on Indian Health Service
Synopsis: WASHINGTON - Senator John Hoeven (R-ND), chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, held a legislative hearing on...
Heitkamp, national experts talk human trafficking at UND
Synopsis: Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., discussed policy changes that could help prevent trafficking and sexual exploitation at panel...
Bill to Promote Safety on Indian Casino Reservations Introduced as Tribal Operators Forced to Defend
Synopsis: "The US Senate Indian Affairs Committee (IAC) introduced a bill Thursday that seeks to strengthen public safety on tribal...