Capacity Building Center's Spotlight on Sex Trafficking
Synopsis: The Capacity Building Center for States (Center for States) has created resources to help child welfare professionals support...
Resources for Human Trafficking Awareness Month
Synopsis: Child Welfare and Human Trafficking is an issue brief that addresses the challenges of identifying victims, collecting and...
Participants Needed For Phoenix Area Native Focus Group on Tribal Victim Services
TLPI is having an urban Indian focus group in Phoenix to gather input for the Tribal Resource Mapping Project Date: October 10, 2016...
"New Resources Explore Human Trafficking and Child Welfare"
Synopsis: "Children and youth in the child welfare system are at heightened risk of being victims of human trafficking, including for...
Focus Group Opportunity in Fairbanks, AK
Synopsis: The Tribal Law and Policy Institute, in conjunction with the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), the National Center...
SD West River Human Trafficking Task Force Focuses on Upcoming Sturgis Rally
Synopsis: "Now through the 2016 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, members of South Dakota’s West River Human Trafficking Task Force’s Outreach...
OVW Tribal Coalitions Program Grantees not required to file a Grant Adjustment to attend 2016 OVC In
OVW Tribal Coalitions Program Grantees not required to file a Grant Adjustment to attend 2016 Conference Notice As authorized by Lorraine...
OVC is Recruiting Tribal Subject Matter Experts in Sex Trafficking (Due: 8/15/16)
Synopsis: The Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) at the U.S. Department of Justice, is currently recruiting independent consultants and...
OVW Principal Deputy Director Bea Hanson's Recap of the 2016 United State of Women
Synopsis: Courtesy of Principal Deputy Director Bea Hanson of the Office on Violence Against Women "The Office on Violence Against Women...
New Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction Pilot Project Report
Synopsis: The Pilot Project period (February, 2014 through March 6, 2015), authorized by VAWA 2013, enabled Indian tribes who received...