Tribal Coalitions use Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) program grants to increase awareness of domestic violence and sexual assault, including sex trafficking and stalking, against American Indian and Alaska Native women; Enhance the response to violence against women at the tribal, federal, and state levels; and Identify and provide technical assistance to coalition membership and Native communities to enhance access to essential services.
For individuals searching this site for resources we suggest contacting their local tribal coalition for assistance first, because the coalitions' network will increase chances of receiving services or referrals immediately. Even though they have specialized experiences in Indian Country and are primarily Native run, the Tribal Coalitions serve all sexual assault and sex trafficking victims regardless of political classification, race, sex, age, sexual orientation, religion, and/or membership in a Native nation. Please Note: The grant period for this project ended in September, 2016.
Yup’ik Women's Coalition
The Yup’ik Women’s Coalition (YWC) strives to promote safety of women through education and advocacy. The YWC is committed to organize community efforts to end violence against women and children within Yup’ik villages through strengthening the traditional Yup’ik beliefs and teachings that have guided the Yup'ik people for thousands of years. The YWC is dedicated to the safety of women and believe in all the rights of all people to live without fear, threat, violence and oppression.
Contact Information:
Lenora Hootch, | 907-949-1434
Kandace Fratis, | 907-949-1434
Healing Native Hearts Coalition (Alaska)
Healing Native Hearts Coalition is a nonprofit domestic violence and sexual assault coalition serving the Tribes and Native DV/SA nonprofits in Interior Alaska to better address and respond to domestic and sexual violence occurring in their communities. HNHC promotes safety, justice, victim-centered advocacy, offender accountability and healing through training, technical assistance, policy, and resource development.
Contact Information:
Kristen Moreland,
Located in First Mesa, Arizona the Hopi Tewa Women’s Coalition to End Abuse is a leading voice to end sexual assault and domestic violence on the Hopi Reservation. Founded in 2008 by Hopi and Tewa women representatives of several villages and communities, HTWC is a nonprofit, nongovernmental tribal coalition incorporated in Arizona to provide training, technical assistance, policy development, and advocacy support to tribal and nontribal government program/agencies, and awareness on domestic violence and sexual assault-related issues to the general public.
Contact Information:
Carey Onsae, | 928-737-9000
The Southwest Indigenous Women’s Coalition (SWIWC) is a statewide tribal domestic and sexual violence coalition that has been serving the Tribes in Arizona since 2006. SWIWC’s primary purpose is to help tribes increase their capacity to better address and respond to the violence occurring in their respective communities. This is achieved through training, technical assistance, policy advocacy, education, and outreach.
At present SWIWC has an amazing staff of three, a remarkable governing board, and a brilliant Two-Spirit and Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer+ Advisory Council that are dedicated to meeting the needs of tribes within an anti-oppression framework.
Contact Information:
Leanne Guy, | 480-818-7518
Strong Hearted Native Women’s Coalition, Inc. works to bring awareness against sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sex-trafficking, and murdered & missing within tribal communities in California.
The purpose of the coalition is to enhance the capacity of survivors, advocates, victim organizations, and victim service providers to end violence against American Indian and Alaskan Native people.
The goal of the organization is to increase the approachability to improving systemic and community responses to victims. To raise awareness, educate, and to provide technical assistance, training, and supportive services for victims including cultural and unique barriers facing Native Americans.
Contact Information:
Keely Linton, | 760-644-4781
Created in 2019, the Midwest Native Coalition for Justice and Peace (MNCJP) is a non profit organization in North East Kansas. The goal of this coalition is to empower current Tribal Advocacy services for tribal communities across Kansas..
Contact Information:
Daniel Goombi,
The Mission of the Wabanaki Women’s Coalition is to increase the capacity of tribal communities to respond to domestic and sexual violence, and influence tribal, national, and regional systems to increase awareness, safety, justice, and healing for all our relations.
The Vision of the Coalition is to guide the evolution of systems and policies that reflect the Wabanaki voice on behalf of survivors of domestic and sexual violence; create a technical resource center that affirms Wabanaki cultural values and tribal sovereignty, and empowers tribal service providers to serve, educate, and influence their communities in an effective and uniform way; and be recognized as the informed source for issues on Wabanaki survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
Contact Information:
Donna Brown, | 207-322-6604
Uniting Three Fires Against Violence (UTFAV) is a statewide tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalition serving the Tribes located in Michigan. UTFAV's mission is to support Michigan Tribes in promoting the social change necessary to address the disproportionate rates of violence impacting local communities.
UTFAV envisions empowered Native American survivors with access to essential and culturally appropriate services throughout the State of Michigan, Tribal communities that have access to the resources necessary to provide the identified services, and Tribal, State and Federal responses guided by culturally appropriate and trauma-informed practices.
Contact Information:
Stacey Ettawageshik, | 906-253-9757
Mending the Sacred Hoop (MSH), Inc. is a Native-led non-profit organization dedicated to addressing and ending violence against Native relatives. MSH organizes on issues surrounding violence against American Indian/Alaska Native relatives in their home community of Duluth, MN and throughout the State of Minnesota.
Nationally MSH works with Tribes and Native communities that are addressing the issues of domestic and sexual violence, dating violence, sex trafficking and stalking in their communities. MSH provides training to strengthen Tribal and Native community responses to these crimes, including advocacy and systems responses, community understanding and awareness, engaging relatives in the work to end violence against relatives, and coordinating community responses that provide safety and uphold offender accountability.
Contact Information:
Cinnamon Bankey, | 888-305-1650
The Minnesota Indian Women’s Sexual Assault Coalition (MIWSAC) is a statewide Tribal Coalition and National Tribal Technical Assistance Provider. MIWSAC has worked since 2001 to end gender-based violence and enhance tribal, state, and federal responses to sexual violence and sex-trafficking.
MIWSAC uses culturally based training, technical assistance, strategies, resources, tools, and a wide range of events and activities to engage and support survivors of sexual violence, advocates, service providers, community, and allies that are working to end sexual violence and sex trafficking across Minnesota’s 11 federally recognized Tribal Nations, urban Native bases, and Tribal communities across the country.
MIWSAC’s work is grounded in the philosophy that each of us have a role, purpose, and place in eradicating sexual violence. As we galvanize across gender, race, age, orientation, expertise, and experience, we are all safer.
Contact Information:
Nicole Matthews, | 651-646-4800
Angelica Allery,
Montana Native Women's Coalition (Montana)
The Montana Native Women’s Coalition (MNWC) aims to improve urban, rural, and Native American community responses to victims of domestic and sexual violence. Montana Native Women's Coalition has added purpose of bringing together Native American leaders and representatives from state agencies that manage and administer state and federal funding for domestic violence and programming in Montana, to improve coordination, access, and resources for native women and tribal programs.
The administrative offices are located in Billings, Montana, the coalition provides services throughout the state of Montana.
Contact Information:
Email, | 406-894-2513
Nebraska Tribes Addressing Violence Coalition (NETAV) is a statewide tribal domestic violence/sexual assault coalition working to raise awareness and promote prevention of intimate partner violence against Native Americans and tribal communities in Nebraska through education, training, technical assistance, and support.
The mission of the Coalition is to support and strengthen the prevention of and response to domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, elder abuse, dating violence, and human trafficking against Native Americans in the state of Nebraska through education, trainings, support, public awareness, and technical assistance in order to promote safety for both rural and urban tribal communities
Contact Information:
Kirby Williams, | 531-205-6837
The Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women (CSVANW) was organized in 1996 to provide support to other Native advocates working in domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking and sex trafficking in New Mexico’s tribal communities. Their single goal: to eliminate violence against Native women and children.
The mission of the CSVANW (Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women) is to eradicate violence against Native women and children by championing social change within our communities. CSVANW is dedicated to taking responsibility for the future wellbeing of Native women and children. Through the pillars of support, education, and advocacy, leveraging our collective strengths, power, and unity towards the creation of violence-free communities. CSVANW's vision encapsulates the essence of our efforts: fostering Healthy Families, Healthy Communities. This vision guides the commitment to healing and transforming our communities into safe, nurturing spaces for the growth and prosperity of all its members.
Contact Information:
Tiffany Jiron, | 505-243-9199
A Native American Coalition of professionals from all over New York State and Haudenosaunee Country, Seven Dancers Coalition works to better the lives of Native American Women and their families. The major areas of focus are domestic violence, sexual assault, teen dating violence, stalking, and sex trafficking.
The mission of the Seven Dancers Coalition is to uplift the families of Indigenous Communities by educating and restoring traditional values with the purpose of strengthening self-confidence and dignity. We strive for an environment of peace and tranquility to heal all indigenous spirits.
Contact Information:
Amie Barnes, | 518-358-2916
The mission of Reflection of Inspiration is to empower individuals and organizations to be successful for their families and within their communities by encouraging positive development.
Created in 2022, by our Executive Director DeMakus Staton, Reflection of Inspiration, Inc. (ROI) was created to support and provides educational programs to support community groups and organizations in achieving their aspirations.
ROI Staff contribute to a wide range of tribal and statewide committees, taskforces, and groups to ensure that our organization’s policies, and our advocacy efforts are influential and contribute pertinent information that supports constructive movement, and education.
Contact Information:
Demakus Stanton, | 828-354-0574
First Nations Women’s Alliance (FNWA) is a nationally recognized dual domestic violence/ sexual assault Tribal Coalition located in North Dakota. FNWA's mission is to strengthen our Tribal communities by creating a forum for leaders to come together to address the issues of domestic violence and sexual assault. We are committed to ending all forms of violence by providing culturally relevant services and resources and facilitating the provision of those services by others in our communities.
Contact Information:
Sandra Bercier, | 701-662-3380
Created in 2009, the Native Alliance Against Violence (NAAV) is a nonprofit organization operating as Oklahoma’s only tribal domestic violence and sexual assault coalition. The NAAV serves the 38 Tribes located in Oklahoma and their 24 tribal domestic violence and sexual assault programs. Through the Spirit of respect and cooperation, the NAAV strives to unify Tribal service programs throughout Oklahoma by providing culturally appropriate technical assistance, training and support to eliminate domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking and dating violence to restore balance and safety for Native communities.
Contact Information:
Shelley Miller, | 405-606-1936
The Native Women’s Society of the Great Plains offers a vision that ends domestic and sexual violence against Native women. The Society works to support and strengthen sisterhood and local advocacy and program development efforts through culturally specific education, technical assistance training and resource implementation and collaborate to strengthen strategies and responses to violence in their respective tribal communities. The geographical area that constitutes the service area of the Society includes tribes of southern Minnesota, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, northern Nebraska, and Iowa.
Contact Information:
Carmen O'Leary, | 605-850-1332
Restoring Ancestral Winds supports indigenous communities addressing domestic, dating, family, sexual violence, and sexual assault in the Great Basin region of Utah. The mission of Restoring Ancestral Winds is to support healing in Indigenous communities. They advocate for healthy relationships; educates communities on issues surrounding stalking, domestic, sexual, dating and family violence; collaborate with Great Basin Region community members and stakeholders; and honors and strengthens traditional values with all their our relations.
Contact Information:
Yolanda Francisco-Nez, | 801-244-4064
Women Spirit Coalition
The Washington State Native American Coalition Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault WomenSpirit Coalition's mission is eliminating violence against Native women and promoting well-being of Native families and communities and envisions a nation where native women may live safely. WomenSpirit Coalition serves the twenty-nine federally recognized tribal nations in Washington State.
Contact Information:
Dee Koester, | 360-683-2254
American Indians Against Abuse (Wisconsin)
American Indians Against Abuse Inc. is located in Hayward, Wisconsin, and serves eleven tribes geographically encompassing the entire state of Wisconsin, including the Bad River, Red Cliff, Lac Courte Oreilles, Lac de Flambeau, Sokaogon and St. Croix Chippewa, Ho-Chunk Nation, Menominee Nation, Oneida Nation, Forest County Potawatomi and Stockbridge-Munsee Mohican Nations.
Contact Information:
Pamela Johnson, | 715-634-9980