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Our holistic victim services directory, Sex Trafficking in Indian Country: Victim/Survivor Resource Book, is intended to provide Tribal Coalitions with basic information on sex trafficking as it impacts Native people and to provide access to direct services that may assist victims/survivors of sex trafficking. This resource contains a 900+ page victim/survivor services directory that is organized by state. Only states with a Tribal Coalition are represented in this directory.


This user-friendly directory of relevant free-to-low cost services can be used to aid victims of sex trafficking and sexual assault so they can easily access everything from short-term resources such as emergency shelter, food, and protection order assistance to long-term services like healthcare, education, and employment.


The directory was created with the tribal coalitions in mind, so they can immediately refer their clients to a national network of direct service providers. However, we have also designed this directory to be user friendly, so individuals looking for help can have a one-stop-shop to deal with the effects of sex trafficking, sexual assault, and exiting the sex industry.


Click the large cover image below to access the full resource. Or, click one of the state buttons to access a condensed version of the Resource Book. The condensed versions are a smaller file for easier downloading and printing; they contain only intro materials and that state's portion of the directory.


Also, be sure to visit the the Office for Victims of Crime Matrix of OVC/BJA-Funded Human Trafficking Services Grantees and Task Forces for a list of OVC's current grant-funded trafficking projects.

This directory was published in September of 2016 and it reflects information that was current at the time of publication.


This website was initially funded and developed as part of  Grant No. 2013-TA-AX-K025 from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice or any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this website (including, without limitations, its content, technical infrastructure, policies, and any services or tools provided.) Please Note: The grant period for this project ended in September, 2016.

Safety Alert:

If you are in danger, please call 911, use a safer computer, or call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline at 1-888-373-7888 or text "BeFree"(233733). Learn more technology safety tips. There is always a computer trail, but you can leave this site quickly.

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